About this report

This is now the ninth time that the Uelzena Group, headquartered in Uelzen (Lower Saxony), has produced a transparent sustainability report on the economic and non-financial aspects and effects of its business activities. This involves both the strategic orientation and the management of sustainability as well as concrete measures and results.

Since 2014, the Uelzena Group has been publishing an annual sustainability report about the past business year. The current report refers to the business year of the Uelzena Group from 1.1.2022 to 31.12.2022 and comprises basic reporting principles as well as five fields of action: company, production, products, employees and social and regional responsibility. The figures and information from each of the four production sites in Uelzen, Bismark, Ratzeburg and Warmsen are incorporated into these action fields.

The last report for the year 2021 was published online on 24 June 2022. The 2014–2016 reports were also published in a printed version, which are available for download here. The key figures for subsequent years can also be accessed at downloads.

GRI basis, control and index

From the outset, reporting was reliant on two pillars:

  • The Uelzena Group uses the GRI Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative as a basis for its reporting.
  • A multi-site working group on sustainability makes the most important decisions regarding the management and control of sustainability work.
  • The sustainability working group is managed by the sustainability manager of the Uelzena Group. Since 2020, this newly created position is responsible for the organisation’s sustainability topics in close cooperation with the working group and executive management.

This 2022 report has been – as in the previous two years – compiled in accordance with the GRI Standards for the “core” option. During the 2018 reporting year, the main topics (materiality analysis) of the Uelzena Group were redefined.

For a quick overview of all GRI Disclosures, the GRI Content Index is used (also available in PDF format).

Sustainability dialogue

Please send queries and suggestions on this sustainability report to: nachhaltigkeit(at)

This year, once again, there is also a short online survey on the sustainability report of the Uelzena Group: By answering just five short questions, you will help us tailor the report to your requirements.


All information in this report has been collected with the greatest care. Nevertheless, we cannot completely rule out errors. Moreover, this report contains forward-looking statements, which are based on assumptions and the currently available information. Future business performance may differ from the forecasts given because several factors are beyond our control and may result in deviating developments, which are unforeseeable at the time of publishing this report.

What do you think about our sustainability reporting 2022?

Please answer the following five short questions to let us know your opinions.

Click here to take the survey