Hoche Butter GmbH presents a new laminating butter plate with 99.8% milk fat at IBA 2015 in Munich
The new butterfat plate of Hoche Butter consisting of butterfat with a milk content of at least 99.8% will be presented for the first time at this year’s IBA in Munich from 12-17 September. With the new high fat butter plate, which is new in Hoche Butter's product range, more basic dough can be used compared to a common butter plate with a fat content of 82%. The new butterfat plate is characterized by a specific smoothness which ensures trouble-free and safe processing and a low sensitivity to temperature. Added to that it has high proofing stability. The melting point is 34-36 °C. Croissants, Danish pastry and puff pastry products made with this new butter plate display a full taste, a flaky texture and good volume. Compared to common butterfat plates, this new plate has the advantage of a significantly prolonged shelf life and thus easy stock-keeping in the bakery. Try it yourself - we would be delighted to provide a sample for your baking trials.
Hoche Butter GmbH exhibits its products in Hall 2, booth A2.540.
Uelzena eG / Hoche Butter GmbH
Anja Brand
Produkt Manager
Phone.: +49 581 806-6162