Legal notice
Uelzena eG
Im Neuen Felde 87
29525 Uelzen
Phone.: +49 581 806-0
Fax: +49 581 806-9000
Email: info(at)
Management Board:
Jörn Dwehus (Chairman and CEO)
Wilhelm Günther (Vice-Chairman)
Frank Pieper, Stefan Winter
Chairman of the Board:
Frank Schuppert
Registered office: 29525 Uelzen, Germany
Local court Lueneburg GnR 120028
VAT-ID: DE 116 677 787
Responsible auditing association according to §54 GenG (German Cooperative Societies Act) is the “Genossenschaftsverband – Verband der Regionen e.V.” headquartered in Frankfurt/Main, Germany; website (in the German language only)
Concept, design and implementation of the website and production of career videos:
NKI Consult GmbH /
Typo3 agency and support:
jansass GmbH /
© Uelzena eG. All rights reserved.
Picture credits:
Thies Rätzke /
Ludolf Dahmen /
Martin Foddanu /
Matthew Plexman / Radius Images Mathias Rosenthal, Nikiteev_Konstantin, pixabay
Fotolia: 5second, Coloures-pic, corbis_fancy, DragonImages, Magnus, Marco2811, maxsim, moongerl, Olesia Bilkei, Saklakova, SZ-Designs
Holger Pommerien /
Legal remark
The content of this website has been compiled with the utmost care and it is subject to ongoing updates and reviews. Nevertheless, Uelzena eG cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the contents. According to statutory provisions, as a service provider we are responsible for our own content on these web pages. However we as a service provider are not obliged to monitor transferred or stored information of third parties nor to investigate any circumstances which might point towards an illegal activity. Uelzena eG does not assume any liability for the content of websites that can be accessed via third party links. The responsibility for the content of the linked pages is the sole responsibility of the provider of such pages. Uelzena eG expressly dissociates itself from any website which may be relevant in terms of criminal or liability issues or which may violate accepted principles of morality.